
Devspeak: iPhone 3G vs iPhone 3GS

The introduction of the iPhone 3GS is huge for a variety of reasons, but most important to gamers is how the new phone improves gaming. And that's why IndustryGamers pinged a few iPhone devs to get their thoughts on the new device, how it'll make their games even better, and whether they should be developing for the larger install base of 3G users or specifically for the improved 3GS model.

The first developer to speak on the matter is EA Mobile, who says it'll actually be developing for both versions. "To take full advantage of the new capabilities of the 3GS, our development teams will create an additional version specifically for it, so that our products will be available and enjoyable no matter which iPhone or iPod touch a consumer has." Trip Hawkins, CEO of Digital Chocolate, thinks otherwise, and says that the new phone's capabilities will make existing products better, making it unnecessary to explicitly develop for the more powerful platform. Paxton LaZar, director of digital content at Sega of America, is more in line with EA Mobile, however, and says Sega will offer products tailored specifically for each phone, although only on select titles. "Sega will continue to develop games for the 3G iPhones and for appropriate games we will also deliver versions with added and/or improved features/content to take full advantage of the extra power afforded by the new 3GS model," LaZar said. LaZar further compared it to games that are offered across multiple platforms, and says this is basically no different.

While we wait for developers to figure out how they're going to tackle the 3G vs 3GS conundrum, we suggest you see for yourself just how much the 3GS brings to the table in this video for Firemint Real Racing. It just might blow you away.