
Comic-Con 2009: A real-life Flynn's Arcade

One of the most buzzed about things at the San Diego Comic-Con this year was the viral Flynn's Arcade that Disney created to plug the upcoming Tron: Legacy. In the teaser trailer they showed at the Con, Flynn's son (Garrett Hedlund) revisits his father's now-dusty and cobwebbed arcade, and steps up to the actual Tron arcade game from the 1980s. In the world of Tron: Legacy, Flynn actually went on to create to Tron game, and several others, before disappearing. He hasn't been seen for the past 20 years.

Of course, that's where the computer world comes in. At Flynn's Arcade, they replicated the teaser, complete with neon signs for all the the games Flynn created (covered in dust and faux cobwebs, natch), and a Tron cabinet standing by itself on the back wall. After allowing about 10 minutes of open play on dozens of arcade machines, the lights flicker, there's an electrical surge, and ... the entire Tron cabinet swings away from the wall revealing a dark tunnel beyond.

Inside there were plasma screens showing off light cycle generation 2 sketches, and ... a complete cycle itself around the corner. Head on after the break for some videos from the event (that include said cycle), and you can check out the gallery of images below.