
Demon's Souls pre-order bonus gets even spiffier, 'importers devastated'

North American RPG fans have something to be even more to be excited about, as Atlus has revealed more pre-order bonuses exclusive to the region for its upcoming title Demon's Souls. Gamers who slap a down payment on the counter of their local retailer will receive a 40-page full-color art book and complete soundtrack of the game.

The Demon's Souls soundtrack features 24-tracks of music from the upcoming From Software-developed role-playing game. For gamers worried their local game store employees may forget to throw in the bonus disc, Atlus has confirmed the soundtrack will be secured into the back of the art book. If you're looking forward to Demon's Souls -- and let's face it, you are because it includes two of your favorite things (Read: Demons & Souls) -- you may want to check this offer out.