
XBLM Deal of the Week: Penny Arcade - Episode 2

In celebration of the upcoming Penny Arcade Expo, this week's Xbox Live Marketplace Deal of the Week is none other than Gabe & Tycho's second adventure: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two. Normally 1200

($15 USD), the Hothead Games' episodic RPG has been reduced to 800

($10 USD) in Microsoft funny-money.

The sale also begs the question, "Where da heck is Penny Arcade: Episode Three?!" Hopefully Hothead Games and the guys at Penny Arcade will be able to tell us all about the next game in the series when PAX 2009 kicks off on Friday, September 4. Make sure to keep refreshing Joystiq all weekend long as a slew of our minions will be on hand for the community friendly event.

Queue up the XBLM Deal of the Week: Penny Arcade - Episode 2