
Patch 3.2.2 PTR: Core Hound pup probably shouldn't look this cute

MMO Champion continues their pursuit of all the cute and fuzzy pets to be found in the Patch 3.2.2 PTR files. This time, they have a datamined video of the Core Hound Pup. This little guy isn't quite as active as the Pandaren pet, but he still manages to be way cuter than a slavering hell beast has any right to be, rising up on his hind legs and barking.

It's sort of like your favorite puppy from your childhood, expect this one slobbers lava and may give you third degree burns if you pet it. Like the Pandaren pet, we don't yet know where, how, or even if we'll be able to get this pet in game. A lot of speculation places it as a possible Cataclysm CE pet, perhaps as a choice along with the Pandaren and Lil' KT. We'll have to wait and see,and for now, be content with watching it frolic about on datamined videos.

2n - 1 go left, 2n go right. I don't see enough DoTs! More DoTs now!

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