
Rumor: Imminent closed beta announcement for Star Wars: The Old Republic?

Bioware might have tipped their hand accidentally today as they briefly updated the Star Wars: The Old Republic website with a call for testers for the highly anticipated MMO. The announcement only lasted a few minutes before being taken down off of the site, indicating an accidental posting.

While the news announcement has been removed from the website, some screenshot happy community members have snapped pictures of their RSS feeds, which still show the call for testers. This has, of course, sent the community into an uproar of anticipation for the intended date of the announcement.

Update: The intended date of the closed beta signups is today! We have all of the details over in this post!

Now, the call for testers does not usually indicate anything other than, well, a call for testers. Closed betas usually call for prospective testers early on and take a few months before they begin. The testing process itself is also quite lengthy, meaning that SWTOR still won't be showing up until some time next year at the earliest.

Other community members are also of the opinion that this may be a complete hoax with phony screenshots, but many different members are independently confirming that they have record of the story in their RSS feeds. Still, it's all very exciting news and who knows, maybe we'll be seeing that news story appear very soon in our RSS readers for real!