
Here's that second PSP analog stick you wanted

Tim Magoolaghan is quite the modder and has made a Frankensteinian PSP. Aside from the second analog nub he slapped on this custom PSP-2000, he's also added a built-in camera, 32GB of Flash memory (eliminating the UMD slot) and a dedicated charging port that allows USB charging no matter what the handheld is currently doing. In the video interview where he shows off his creation (video past the break), there's also some emulation stuff going on due to the custom firmware, but we don't condone that kind of thing.

Tim's whole motivation behind this custom PSP is that he wants to show consumers the older model can do wonderful things that the new PSP Go cannot. He says Sony's new device isn't very consumer friendly and while we think he has something there, it's overshadowed by the fact that he's sitting next to the most annoying woman on the planet.

[Thanks, Robin!]