
Join the Engadget HD podcast live on Ustream

It's Monday, and we know that getting the week started can be tough. We're here to help by letting you peek into the recording booth when the Engadget HD podcast goes to tape on Monday, October 12th at 6:30PM ET. Think of it as a kind of time machine that will help you power through your day by reviewing what happened in the week HD-wise. Embedded Ustream tools and a list of topics after the break.

A 1998 Forrester Research prediction about HDTVs wasn't even close
Timeframe for the 3D infiltration? 3 - 4 years, says Panasonic president
Panasonic's 50-inch 1080p 3D plasma spotted, watched at CEATEC
Pixar talks about what it took to upgrade Toy Story to 3D
Blu-ray outpacing DVD adoption, will never reach its penetration
Wal-Mart cutting back DVD and Blu-ray display area
Poll: What part of your home theater is getting upgraded this holiday season?
Ask Engadget HD: Best home theater setup for gaming?
It'll probably take an act of congress to ban loud commercials

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