
NPD study finds 40% of recent game purchases were impulse-driven

An NPD Group study, using our Canadian brothers and sisters as guinea pigs, has apparently determined that 40 percent of game buyers purchased on impulse (no, not Stardock's Impulse) in the last six months. reports that the study found the driving factor for these losses in willpower were pretty packaging, online accessibility and cheaper pre-owned titles.

NPD's Matthew Tattle notes that it's surprising to find impulse purchasing going on during a recession, but that "it's clear that hardcore gamers will find a way to satisfy their need for something new, different and enjoyable." Or, maybe, their ADD is just kicking in and they can't focus on the fact that we're in a recession?

The average impulse purchase was under $27 (USD), as compared to the average $42 planned purchase. The study also found that females were more likely to buy on impulse and that 15 percent of purchases were made through online transactions. So, apparently some impulse purchases were on Impulse.