
One Shots: Something old, something new

With all the new games coming out recently, it's nice to see someone taking on some of the older titles with fresh eyes and seeing what's going on out there. Take, for example, this great Star Wars Galaxies image that our friend Petter M. sent in from his recent travels. He writes in: I'm currently doing some "research" into Star Wars: Galaxies to find out if it deserves its bad reputation. I'm enjoying it so far, exploring and questing my way across Tatooine. At first the planet seems pretty much barren, but there are a lot of things to see hidden away in the desert - all the player houses and cities, if nothing else. Here's a screenshot from a calm oasis which has been affected by the light side of the Force, where I ended up as a part of a Jedi-quest.

Have you been exploring parts of your favorite game that we haven't seen here? All games are welcome, all images too! Send us combat, group posed shots, landscapes, you name it, to oneshots AT massively DOT com. Some information like your name, guild, server, and a description of what's going on in the screenshot is awesome too. We'll post it up here and give you credit.