
Warhammer Online releases November newsletter

Mythic seems to be having a tough go of it lately what with layoffs, server merges, and ominous producer letters. They're continuing their hard work in Warhammer Online, however, and the most recent newsletter shows it.

The first order of business was patch 1.3.3. It's expected shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is over, and will implement some exciting changes for new and veteran players. This patch will implement the War Report, which is pretty much what it sounds like. Every 8 hours, a "snapshot" of events going on around the world will be made available, with the opportunity to teleport instantly to the closest area of interest. The other big change is the Underdog System. Underdogs will be granted what amounts to a handicap that makes it easier for underpopulated realms to take objectives and cap zones.

WAR will also be bringing a few graphical improvements with this patch, including post-processing effects and HDR Lighting, and the team is preparing for an event all seasoned players look forward to: Keg End. If you aren't already receiving the Warhammer Online newsletter, you can subscribe at their official site.