
The Ice Stone has melted your wallet (but secured your sword)

If you thought your Epic Weapons Frostmourne replica just wasn't quite enough of a display of conspicuous consumerism, you can now display more conspicuous consumerism by buying a display for your other display of conspicuous consumerism.

That's right, Epic Weapons is now offering a special display for your Frostmourne, a light-up chunk of the Frozen Throne. It's a floor-mount stand made of clear poly-resin, built with two spotlights to illuminate the blade and hilt of your sword in a chilling blue glow. Weighing in at 26 pounds, it's also not likely to fall over and cause your cat's soul to become a thrall of the Lich King. The only thing it doesn't have, apparently, is a picture larger than 150 pixels across for me to show you. Blame Epic Weapons, not I.

It certainly looks cool, mind you, but the price -- $200 -- is a little steep, in my opinion. Then again, I suppose if you can afford the sword, you can afford the stone. Let it never be said that replica swordmakers don't know their audience. Dispose of that income, all ye nerds!