
iGUGU Gamecore puts PC games on your TV!

We're old, angry men now, so it's hard for us not to mock new stuff with only the slightest provocation, but we're going to try to give the iGUGU Gamecore a fair shake. So, for $79.99 you'll get a controller with a trackball and keyboard on it that's been specially designed to play your PC games from the couch. The second part of the system is that it allows you to put your PC games on your TV, but the exact methodology for doing that (and the associated cost) is unclear, since the "Accessories" part of the company's website is broken.

The Gamecore will be shown off during CES this week, so hopefully we'll have a little more information soon.

Okay, that's the objective take. Now, follow us after the break and check out the most astonishingly terrible, misleading promotional video in recorded history.

We know, we know, it's incredible. Here are some of the highlights:

  • 0:59 "Downgraded versions of a PC" -- So basically, video game consoles are just crappier versions of any PC out there. It's science.

  • 1:30 Video game consoles can't play old games -- This is also true, except in the rare exception of every game console currently on the market.

  • 1:45 Implication that PSN has a fee -- A PSN account, you'll be happy to hear, still does not cost a thing.

  • 2:01 Video game controllers evolved to the abandoned PS3 boomerang controller -- Sort of an evolutionary hiccup, we guess.

  • 2:30 PC interface hasn't adapted to gaming -- Except for every PC gamepad, Xbox 360 controller adapter, PC steering wheel, etc., on the market. Except for those and all the other things? Totally stagnant.

  • 2:38 Uncomfortable chair? -- Dude. Just buy a new chair.

  • 2:58 Small monitors hamper the experience -- You guys understand computer resolution vs. TV resolution, right? Like, somebody there must.

  • 3:12 It's hard to imagine a NASCAR driver using a keyboard -- But a gamepad? Makes total sense.

Okay, that's actually all we can stomach. We assume you guys and gals can take it from there.