
Greenpeace and Apple: Can you feel the love tonight?

Environmental activist group Greenpeace and Apple haven't exactly been good buddies in the past. For example, in the past Greenpeace slammed Apple with a mock Apple website, had fig-leaf clad representatives visit the first Apple Store in continental Europe, and "greened" the flagship Apple Store in San Francisco. Radical representatives of the group had been ejected from MacExpo London in 2006 for being disruptive, and Greenpeace had assigned Apple low scores in a 2006 e-waste report.

Apparently, the greens and the geeks have kissed and made up, since Apple was ranked #1 in the top 18 consumer electronics company in terms of reduction or elimination of hazardous chemicals in the manufacture of its products. As seen in the Greenpeace table on the next page, Apple was squeaky-clean across its product line, including desktop and laptop computers, phones, and monitors:

However, Greenpeace is still jilting Apple like an impetuous lover pointing out flaws. Overall, Apple was in the middle of the pack of companies in terms of overall "greenness." The enviros spanked Apple for reducing the number of web pages dedicated to information about its supply chain and future plans for toxic chemical phase-outs. Apple has made significant gains since the dark days of the relationship in 2006, but apparently still isn't the perfect soulmate in the eyes of Greenpeace.

[via LoopInsight]