
Preliminary notes for first Siege of Mirkwood patch released

Just a month and a half after the launch of Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Mirkwood, the first patch is almost ready. Preliminary patch notes were posted on the official forums by online community specialist Sapience, with a word of warning: "These should be considered a work in progress and incomplete. Final release notes will be posted when the patch is approved for release to the live servers."

As expected, the patch so far focuses primarily on skirmishes and legendary items, with a few tweaks being made as needed to raids, instances, and quests. It looks like some significant and very welcome changes are coming, such as a correction to the tier 6 costs of certain legacies. General fixes here and there were also made, such as: "Hunter's Travel to Mirk-eaves skill now tells fellowship members you are travelling to Mirk-eaves. No more freaking out the other members of your fellowship." (Well, that was fun while it lasted, anyway.)

The full patch notes as they stand right now can be viewed on the official forums.