
NintendoWare Weekly: Muscle March, Dark Void Zero, Starship Defense

Today is probably the best day for DSiWare since the system launched. Four games arrive on the service, two of which we can honestly call "anticipated," and one of which we probably would have anticipated had we known it was coming. Capcom's cool DSiWare Dark Void prequel arrives just in time to help promote its big-system counterpart, and it's joined by a DSiWare release of a once-Europe-exclusive game and a new Q-Games release.

And all of that awesome DSiWare content is going to be overshadowed by Muscle March on WiiWare.


  • Dark Void Zero (Capcom, 1 player, 500 DSi Points): What better companion piece to this week's Dark Void than the side-scrolling NES adventure that (in the fake history Capcom has created) started it all?

  • Starship Defense (Nintendo, 1 player, 500 DSi Points): Q-Games, creator of Digidrive and the Pixeljunk series, returns to the DSi with another stylish game -- this time, a space-borne variant on tower defense.

  • Chronos Twins (EnjoyUp Games, 1 player, 500 DSi Points): A WiiWare sequel to this game showed up in North America, but the original DS cart, in which players simultaneously control "Nec" in two time periods at once, remained a Europe-exclusive. Until now, it would appear -- and it's been released as DSiWare!

  • Me and My Dogs: Friends Forever (Gameloft, 1 player, 800 DSi Points): This game gives you three puppies with whom to build lifelong friendships, which you do by playing together, training them, feeding them, washing them -- you know, the stuff people do for their puppy friends.


  • Muscle March (Namco Bandai, 1 player, 500 Wii Points): No wall is safe when a conga-line of beefy bodybuilders, in single file, gives chase to the thief of their protein powder.

  • The Amazing Brain Train (Wahoo Studios, 1 player, 600 Wii Points): It's an indie brain training game, featuring activities in the categories of Search, Planning, Spatial, Memory, and Numbers.

Virtual Console

  • Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi (Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): Call it A Ninja and His Dog: Friends Forever. Joe Musashi (or his son Kato, depending on the region) fights evil ninjas and ... annoying guys who can roll up like armadillos, with the help of his dog Yamato.