
WayForward considering 'small and crazy' games before possible Boy and His Blob sequel

In an interview with Official Nintendo Magazine, WayForward's Sean Velasco said that he'd be up for making a sequel to the developer's Wii update of A Boy and His Blob. While it's not official confirmation of such a project in the works, the fact that Velasco thinks that "Another A Boy And His Blob game would also be amazing as the first one was such a great experience" is a positive sign for those interested in the continued adventures of a kid and his jelly-bean-crazed monster.

In the meantime, however, Velasco is looking to "
make a few small and crazy titles next. Maybe some downloadable games?" WayForward has Shantae: Risky's Revenge on the way to DSiWare, and has expressed interest in more downloadable games in the past.