
One Shots: Resistance is futile

The end of beta event for Star Trek Online was a crazy smorgasBorg of some pretty epic proportions. The invasion forces were everywhere you turned, and it seemed like no matter how hard players tried, there were Borg everywhere. Thankfully, we've gotten some great Star Trek Online screenshots from players that we'll be showing off -- like today's One Shots! This one comes to us from Neville, who writes in: This was a shot taken from Sol (Earth Spacedock) at the Open Beta ending event. I hope the Borg aren't claustrophobic!

One Shots is all about your experiences in your favorite games. If you've caught something awesome you'd love to share with the world, send it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll help you share it with the world -- or at least the chunk of the world cool enough to read Massively, anyway.