
Spy with the best: Join Massively for Global Agenda's launch! [Updated]

Readers, we're contacting you through an encrypted channel right now to deliver some very important information. Agent Schuster and Agent Brennan will be on deck for the launch of Global Agenda, ready to fight the Commonwealth at your side.

Come Monday, log into Global Agenda and team up with Sera and Shawn to fight the good fight in both PvP and PvE strike teams. The dossier is still sealed on this mission, but keep an eye on this post and the encrypted T-Feed (@massively on Twitter) for the full information on how to link up with Apoc and Archangel on the day of the launch.

We'll announce our play times and character names come Monday by updating this post, so just place a bookmark here and get your game all patched up. Take advantage of the early start while you're at it and get your characters leveled up for launch. This way our enemies will never know what hit them.


As promised, here's all the information you ever needed to hook up with us and other Massively readers tonight!

When: We're starting our runs at 8 PM ET (5 PM PT). Shawn will be ducking out at 9 PM ET (6 PM PT) for his Fallen Earth appointment, but Sera will be sticking around until 10 PM ET (7 PM PT).

Shawn Schuster -- Playing as Ampersand, a medic. /w Ampersand once in game to speak with him and join his team.
Seraphina Brennan -- Playing as Seraphina, a recon. /w Seraphina once in game to speak with her and join her team.

What: We'll be running PvP strike teams should we get enough people. Otherwise, it will be off to the PvE low and medium security missions!

What you need to bring: We recommend that you bring a headset along for the ride, so you can talk with the rest of your teammates (and us!) Beyond that, bring your best game, as we aim to crush our opponents (we hope!)