
One Shots: Flying high again

While several portions of Allods Online bear some similarity to World of Warcraft, there are places like this beautiful airship where they've clearly done their own thing art-wise. Today's great Allods Online screenshot comes to us from regular Massively commenter Pedro (the other Pedro) who tells us a bit more about this scenic view: This is one the Astral ships of the League. Later in Allods every player will be able to have his own ship, navigate in the Astral (the space of the game) and participate in ship versus ship PvP. Should make for some interesting battles!

Are you in the Allods Online beta? Would you like to share some great scenes we haven't seen as yet? If so, grab those screenshots, toss them in an email to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and a quick description, then hit 'send.' Yep, it's that easy. We'll then take your screenshot and showcase it out here for everyone to enjoy.