
PTOM rumor: inFamous 2 coming in 2010

The latest issue of PlayStation: The Official Magazine (detailing Crysis 2) has a seemingly innocent feature called "Second to None" in its news section. Promising "the scoop on three hugely anticipated sequels slated for 2010," the magazine details Batman: Arkham Asylum 2, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, and inFamous 2.

Wait, what? If you didn't notice, one of these three games hasn't been officially announced. The magazine speculates that inFamous 2 will "[pick] up a significant time after the first game, offering a reshaped metropolis." A Sony representative shot down the magazine's report though, stating, "we do not comment on rumor or speculation."

While Sony remains hush about an inFamous sequel, it seems reasonable to assume that it's only a matter of time before the game comes to fruition. However, the 2010 date pegged by the magazine is likely speculation: The sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum, while announced, hasn't been dated for a release this year. Would both Rocksteady and Sucker Punch be able to turn over sequels to their summer blockbusters just one year after they release? And most importantly, would gamers even want that?