
Two Bosses Enter: Eregos wreaks havoc to claim season title

Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in's series of fantasy death matches.

Ladies and gentlemen, gnomes and ghouls ... We have our season champion: Ley-Guardian Eregos of The Oculus! In the hotly contested finals of the Wrath Original Five-Man season, Eregos tipped the scales to triumph over Anub'Arak, 48% to 42.6%. Such was the confusion that spectators hardly knew which way to look, with nearly 10% of them throwing up their hands to declare the death match a tie.

In fact, the Ley-Guardian's time inside the Two Bosses Thunderdome was anything but routine.

Match One: Eregos versus Loken

The Ley-Guardian's first sortie of the season was actually the last match of the season's first bracket, setting the tone: the beginning of the end. This match originally appeared to be the end of the road for Eregos. Loken easily took down the great dragon, 59.8% to 36.9%, knocking the Ley-Guardian out of the race.

Replay: Spectators call Eregos back for more
The spectators roared their support of the defeated Eregos later in the season, voting him back in a move designed to balance the season's brackets.

Match Two: Eregos versus Keristrasza

Eregos was first up for the next bracket of Thunderdome matches, taking on Keristrasza of the Nexus. The emotional match was close, but Eregos finally downed Keristrasza 50.7% to 44.2%.

Match Three: Eregos versus Skadi the Ruthless

Fresh off his victory against Keristrasza, an energized Eregos blazed into the Thunderdome once again to face Skadi the Ruthless. This time, Eregos pulled off one of the most one-sided victories of the season, with 75.3% of the spectators roaring their approval (compared to Skadi's paltry 22.6% vote).

Match Four, Semi-Finals: Eregos versus Loken

Revenge! The luck of the draw finally brought the Ley-Guardian full circle to face his original opponent in the season's semi-finals. This time, Eregos exacted his revenge, snaring 56.5% of the vote to Loken's mere 36.9%.

The Finals: Eregos versus Anub'Arak
He may have gotten off to a rough start in the season, but Eregos pulled through in the end, toppling the mighty Anub'Arak in the finals, 48% to 42.6%. Nearly 10% of the spectators found themselves milling about in the "Tie/Something Else Happens" area of the Thunderdome lobby, despairing of being able to choose between the powerful foes in this tightly contested match. We encourage you to visit the original battle post to enjoy the many in-depth reader comments, many of them posted in hopes of being selected for the new Thunderdome judges' panel for the upcoming season.

And speaking of the judges' panel ...

The season ahead

In looking at the possibilities for our upcoming season, we're slightly revising the plan for our new panel of Thunderdome judges. The final plan:

  • 2 permanent panelists; the esteemed Messieurs Michael Gray and Matthew Rossi have graciously accepted panel seats

  • 1 "celebrity" judge from the WoW community at large; filling the seat this season will be ICC-raiding mage/sci-fi author John Zakour

  • 1 reader judge from's own [1.Local] channel; reader Sky Paladin (he of the crazy Eck story) has enthusiastically accepted the position

But wait ... That's only four judges. What about split decisions? That's where you readers come in. The vote from the spectator stands will serve as the fifth vote on our Thunderdome panel.

And who will they be judging? Come back next week, as we kick off the next season of Two Bosses Enter, One Man Leaves: the Icecrown Five-Mans -- Trial of the Champion versus Icecrown Citadel!

They're as cold as ice ... You'll need full frost resist gear to survive a spot in the spectators' stands for the Icecrown Five-Man season of Two Bosses Enter, One Boss Leaves. Come back next week for a bone-chilling season!