
GDC Europe returns to Cologne on Aug. 16, 2010

With America's Game Developers Conference 2010 only a few short weeks away, it has now been announced that GDC Europe 2010 will be taking place in Cologne, Germany again this year. The conference will open its doors on Monday, August 16 and run until Wednesday, August 18. The event will include a new area, the GDC Europe Business Lounge, which will "host a VIP lounge area for GDC Europe Plus members to convene and conduct business."

Once again, GDC Europe will be taking place alongside GamesCom, which runs August 18-22. In case you don't remember last year's coverage of the two events, GamesCom and GDC Europe constitute a positively massive gaming event. Expect them to generate lots of late summer gaming news in the lull between E3 and TGS.