
The Settlers 7 pre-order bonus and gold edition detailed

While you wait for the seventh Settlers game to arrive on March 23, Ubisoft would certainly like you to contemplate the pre-ordering of said game, nonetheless a full on pre-order of the digital-exclusive "Gold Edition." As to entice you die-hard fans to drop the extra $10 on the special edition (bringing the price to a more Modern Warfare 2-ey $59.99), the publisher has offered up an exclusive map, a handful of extra "castle forge elements" and a digital copy of the game's soundtrack.

With just over one month left until the game arrives on both PC and Mac, we suppose you could just put the trailer above on loop until the time finally comes (it does feature Bruce Shelley, after all), but that'd probably make you a lunatic. Also, you might die. And then how would you settle a vast kingdom? Hmm? Didn't think of that, did ya?