
The Daily Blues

Each day will take you through all the blue posts and other Blizzard news from around the internet. From Ghostcrawler's latest posts to the lowdown on StarCraft II and Diablo III, we'll keep you informed.

Several of you pointed out yesterday that the blue quotes were showing up outside of the normal iPhone / iPod Touch page width. This problem should now be corrected.


Ghostcrawler has been known to say he doesn't like his quotes being taken out of context, but in this case, how could I resist?

Ghostcrawler -- MW2?
I was pwned. Headshot.

Now on to the real stuff...

Ghostcrawler -- Healer's stressful job
But the stress is why it's fun!

Here is the best advice I can give someone who feels overwhelmed. Your job isn't to keep everyone at 100%. Your job is to keep anyone from hitting 0%. If someone's hurt, but stable, then they may not need your attention right away. You're the medic, so you need to practice triage. There will be enough breaks to get those folks who aren't at 100% back up there at some point.

This is the part where focusing on unit frames to the exclusion of all else can get you in trouble. As you start to really learn the fights, you tend to get a feeling for when the damage is coming. If the boss is going to do a big AE pulse soon, then try and get everyone up quickly. If the hunter pulled aggro and got hit, but has since feigned, then she's probably okay for a bit.

Ghostcrawler -- Icy Talons clarification
You put 5 points in Icy Talons. While fighting (and applying Frost Fever), you swing 20% faster. If you have talented Windfury Totem on you, you swing a total of 40% faster.

You now put a 6th point in Improved Icy Talons as well. You have a passive personal 25% haste at all times. When you engage in combat and apply Frost Fever, you now have 45% melee haste. If you have Windfury also, you still only have 45% haste since Windfury and Improved Icy Talons are exclusive.

This is basically a 20% haste buff to any DK who has Icy Talons and Improved Icy Talons.

Ghostcrawler -- Paladin healing role
Yeah, as I said in another thread just now, I think the paladin is an outlier. It's okay for healers to have things they are slightly better at or slightly worse at, but the paladin is too firmly cemented into the role of MT healer. We don't want building a raid to be "Okay, grab a paladin and another healer." It should be "Grab 2 healers, preferably different ones." This doesn't mean paladin nerfs are incoming, because some of the problem is the nature of healing right now (huge constant swings, unlimited mana, much spamming, little coordination), and the other half of that is making sure a paladin on raid heal duty didn't feel gimped.

Ghostcrawler -- Holy and Disc working together, healing coordination
I think Holy and Disc work together okay. Disc and Disc definitely collide, but it's not the worst thing in the world to be asked to bring 2 of the 5 healers. As Holy, I would generally leave the shielding to the Disc priest, but if dude was going to die, then you did your job and the Disc priest was just too slow. I wouldn't worry about PoM collision. More PoMs tend to just provide more healing.

Now in general I wish there was a little more coordination among healers, but the current damage model we have just doesn't really allow it. I remember when tanking Molten Core, that the priest would say over vent "Big heal coming on the OT!" as he powered up a Greater Heal. You don't have that luxury these days. One of our designers was watching an old Illidan video recently and remarked how everyone was at 50% for so much of the fight. Now days someone is at 100%, will hit 100% in the next couple of GCDs, or will be dead. In that environment, you'd get "Big --" out of your mouth before it would be too late. Players need more health and heals have to be a little more expensive.

Ghostcrawler -- Does the Mage's Amplify / Dampen magic make sense as it exists in game?

Stay tuned to for Dawn Moore's extended analysis of the priest and healing discussion Ghostcrawler has been having with the community.


Wryxian -- Free character moves in the EU
New Player Realms
Normal/PvE: Vek'nilash
PvP: Haomarush

Free Character Moves (FCM)
The free Character Moves below are available until the end of March 2nd. To use a free Character Move, please login to your Account Management and select Character Move, or click on the following link:

Please note: FCMs are opened based on realm population tracking and analysis and not by request. If you're looking for a specific Character Move (from realm A to realm B), you are in most cases better off using Paid Character Transfer, or you could end up waiting for a very long time.

PvP Realms

From: Burning Legion, Grim Batol, Kazzak, Outland, Sylvanas, Ragnaros
To: Executus, Genjuros

Alliance only:
From: Frostmane, Neptulon, Ravencrest
To: Boulderfist, Dentarg, Emeriss, Laughing Skull, Spinebreaker

Horde only:
From: Al'Akir, Magtheridon, Stormscale
To: Trollbane

RP Realms

From: Argent Dawn
To: Darkmoon Faire, Earthen Ring, Moonglade, Steamwheedle Cartel, The Sha'tar

PvP to PvE Realm Conversion FCM
The free Character Moves below are available until March 10th:

From: Vek'nilash
To: Haomarush, Trollbane, Zenedar
For more information on this Realm Conversion, please check this link:

Paid Character Transfers (PCT)
All English realms follow the regular PCT rules, found here.

Eyonix -- Will there be a class change service?
There are no plans to allow such as service, currently.

Slorkuz -- Community events
G'tath found himself sitting on the tram from Ironforge to Stormwind. With no memory of how he got there, he looked around and checked to see if he was ok. Then he noticed it. There was a letter strapped onto his right arm. He carefully unstrapped it, and began to read???.

If you have any in-game events you'd like to bring to the Community's attention, please be sure to post up the details of the event in the Events and Fan Creations forum:

Nethaera -- Questing during leveling up
I'm still questing and picking up quests like this on my alts. I like having a variety of options available to me when leveling, so it's easy to run a few quests when you're not ready (or have time) to group, grab the dungeon quests then head in to the Dungeon Finder tool. If I'm not in the mood for that, I know I can hop into the Battlegrounds for a bit. It's fun but also keeps me humble when it comes to what I still need to work on with my characters. ;)