
The Daily Blues

Each day will take you through all the blue posts and other Blizzard news from around the internet. From Ghostcrawler's latest posts to the lowdown on StarCraft II and Diablo III, we'll keep you informed.

Be sure to check out the latest Twitter developer chat for more blue comments about the current game and upcoming changes in Cataclysm.

Zarhym -- Battleground experience in patch 3.3.3
There is a change going into patch 3.3.3 that will double the amount of Honor gained for completing objectives in Battlegrounds. Because experience gains directly correlate to the amount of Honor gained for completing such objectives, the change would double the amount of experience gained. While we do want to double the Honor gained to make obtaining PvP gear through Battlegrounds more on par with the rate at which players can obtain PvE gear via the Dungeon Finder, we are happy with the current experience gain rate and do not want it to change. For this reason we're decreasing the experience awarded by 50%. The net result is the same.

As an example, here are some made up numbers for completing a Battleground objective:

Current - 300 Honor, 500 experience

Increase Honor gains by 100% in 3.3.3 - 600 Honor, 1000 experience

Decrease experience gains by 50% in 3.3.3 - 600 Honor, 500 experience

Nethaera -- WSG experts: we want your tactics!
The industrious gnomes and goblins at World of Warcraft: Official Magazine are currently working on issue two. One of its regular features is "Battlegrounds Back to Basics" - this time around covering Warsong Gulch.

As part of that feature, we're looking for hints and tips from WSG veterans. Is that you? If so, please feel free to post your favorite Warsong Gulch one-line strategies, tactics and tricks that help give you the winning edge. They can either be team oriented, or even class specific. The best suggestions will be incorporated into the feature as quotes - and of course your character will be fully credited. Remember – these should be straightforward one-liners – we're not looking for long paragraphs packed with intricate details.

Thanks in advance to all!

Vaneras -- Vanilla WoW realms
We occasionally see requests for us to open pre-TBC realms, or classic realms if you prefer. Lately there have also been requests for pre-WotLK realms, and I am sure that once the next expansion pack is released there will be requests for pre-Cataclysm realms as well. We have answered these requests quite a few times now saying that we have no plans to open such realms, and this is still the case today.

We have no plans to open classic realms or limited expansion content realms, and you should not expect to see the opening of such realms with the launch of Cataclysm either.

We realize that some of you feel that the classic game was more fun than the current game, and as a result would like to revel in nostalgia; the developers however prefer to keep the game moving forward as they want the game to continuously evolve and progress.

Eyonix -- Is epic flying still mandatory?
Before when the normal flight speed was 60%, for me I think it did feel mandatory as it was a little painful to move that slowly. Now with the normal speed being 150%, I don't feel it's something of extremely high priority when leveling new characters, but something I always end up getting.

I mean 130-160% (depending on your flyer), increase is pretty significant.

Nethaera -- BlizzCon 2010 announced?
We have made no announcements about BlizzCon at this point in time on either the date or the location. We'll let you know when there is something more to share.

Slorkuz -- Community news

It takes a great deal of time and dedication to become an official fansite so we'd like to take a moment to welcome some newcomers to the Fansite program! So without further ado, we introduce to you the newest members: With the welcoming out the way, it's time for business! Let's get started with one of our new Polish fansites, Fully localised for your reading pleasure, they bring you news of the changes in Honor/Battleground system. They also have articles regarding the Seasonal Bosses being found in the Dungeon Finder tool from 3.3.3 onwards as well as our donation to the Make-A-Wish foundation, Tom Chilton's interview with GameInformer. Last but certainly not least, they are offering a Guild List system for their Polish community, allowing players to register their Polish speaking guilds into a directory, allowing other Polish players to find Guilds that will meet their language needs! has an interesting article this week about the latest novel in the Warcraft series by Richard A. Knaak called World of Warcraft: Stormrage. Learn more about the mysterious Rift of Aln, the might of Malfurion and the dangers presented by the ever powerful Nightmare.

WoWJuJu's rep calendar has been updated, and this version promises to be very awesome. Keep tabs on their progress here.

World of ComicCraft:

That's a little bit extreme.

Boom! Splat!

Gnomish engineering at its finest!

We seem to have dropped an Ogre!

Those aren't good noises...

Other Stuff:

We have been contacted by WoW CMG this week. They're a fansite dedicated to serving the miniatures community. They have recently launched their own Wiki and hope to see some of you stopping by to share some pearly words of wisdom!

It's competition time over at and they're offering you the chance to win some of the new (and highly awesome) Plushies!

Time for some videos! This week we have some real contrasts. Be sure to check out this very neat production featuring lots of World PvP on the Ravenholdt RP realm. On the other hand we have some footage of an interesting RP 'event' on a traditional PvP Realm!

If you know a little Turkish and you want to know all there currently is to know about the Warcraft movie, then take a peek here!

Last but not least: this week's Friday Thread is out for your Off Topic pleasure!

We all hope you all have a most splendid weekend. :-)

Vaneras -- EU Only: 5 Years, 5 Contests!
On February 11, 2005, World of Warcraft launched in Europe. To celebrate our five year anniversary, we've teamed up with J!NX, Gunnar Optiks, NVIDIA, SteelSeries and ASUS to give out some truly epic loot!

Over five weeks, we'll be hosting a series of photography contests. Each week, we'll announce the theme for that week and the sponsor. Don't forget to include yourself and the special 5th anniversary Alliance or Horde logo in your picture to be eligible to win! Be sure to check out our Five Year Anniversary Contest page and the Terms and Conditions for entering!
- Alliance Logo:
- Horde Logo:
- Five Year Anniversary Contest page:
- Terms and Conditions:

Today marks the start of the third week of this contest. This week's theme is Cute Companion Battlecry and is sponsored by ASUS:

Get your cameras out and send us your photos!

Wryxian -- Have you ever let someone die in WoW?
When I was more active on my healing priest this kind of question did cross my mind a few times and yeah sometimes a person's attitude towards me or others in the group influenced the quality of the healing I provided them. I'm not sure I can outright say I let someone die though. But I certainly might have left someone with low health just long enough so that they might reconsider their attitude (well, if they're smart enough to realise what's going on and wise enough to learn from it.)