
Pure Futbol slidetackling into retail this May from Ubisoft

If there's one thing we could use more of in the first half of 2010, it's Euro-centric soccer games. How convenient, then, that Ubisoft today announced Pure Futbol, coming to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC this May. As you can see in the trailer above, the game looks to take soccer from the stadium to the local park, while at the same time keeping the professional players and losing referees for (as far as we can tell) a more arcade-style sports game feel.

Pure Futbol's announcement release corroborates our take on the trailer with a tagline that reads, "No referees, no rules – just soccer." It also further details your choice of footers, elaborating that "230 elite soccer players, 17 international teams, and 17 legendary players" are included, though you can also sculpt your own star from bits and polygons and shared or trade him with friends online. Will we finally be able to live out the dream of playing as a team full of Ezio Auditore lookalikes, engaged in fierce battle with a team full of Prince of Persia lookalikes? For now, all we can do is hope.