
Vote for the Plushie Photo Contest winners

We asked you to show us your plushies and many of you sent in entries to both the Plushie in Captivity and Plushie in the Wild contests. We have narrowed down the finalists for you to vote on in each category. Once the votes have been tallied and the winners announced, we'll put all of the entries in the galleries for you to enjoy.

You have until Friday, March 19th to vote for your favorite in each category. Galleries and polls are after the break.

We got most of our entries for Plushies in Captivity, because I guess they are just too cute to set free. Please view the gallery, then vote for your favorite in the poll.

Some plushies were allowed to explore the outdoors in these Plushies in the Wild entries. Please view the gallery, then vote for your favorite in the poll.