
PVI's color E-Ink displays are a perfect match for Kindles

You know who makes the E-Ink displays on the Kindle? PVI. The Taiwanese company is also the EPD provider for several other tier-1 eReader device makers including Sony. So take a good look at that color E-Ink prototype display currently sitting in a PVI booth at a Shenzhen tradeshow 'cause that's what you'll see packed in color eReaders near the end of the year and into 2011. PVI is showing off both 6- and 9.7-inch color prototypes set to hit the manufacturing lines in Q4 (and sampling now), just right for the Kindle 2 and Kindle DX should Amazon choose to keep things simple and just swap out the display (and a minimum of componentry) within its existing device lineup. It's worth noting that the extra layer of color filtering glass will impact battery life a bit, but certainly not enough to lose its edge on LCDs. And while PVI was demonstrating a color animation running on its new displays, they can't do video worth a damn due to the slow frame refresh. And don't expect to see the color EPDs sporting a contrast or color vibrancy anywhere close to what you'll get from a traditional LCD either. Regardless, people seem smitten by the USA Today's use of color so we're sure these color E-Ink displays will find their niche as well.