
DCUO concept art hints at subscription plan?

Our friends over at DCUOSource have unearthed an interesting tidbit regarding the forthcoming DC Universe Online MMORPG. Sony Online Entertainment's superhero extravaganza has been shrouded in secrecy for awhile now, and speculation has run rampant about what's percolating in the depths of their batcave. Fans have questions about everything from game mechanics to subscription models, and some interesting images of a possible DCUO web site re-design may shed some light on the latter.

Apparently a web designer has included images of a new DCUO web site in his online portfolio, and as DCUOSource's Vicious points out, one of them contains verbiage relating to a 14-day trial. Could SOE opt for a traditional subscription model for those of us looking to fight alongside the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight?

Check out the images as well as the resulting discussion thread.

[Thanks Vicious!]