
Steve Jobs on Time magazine cover again

There's a super article in the current issue of Time magazine featuring Stephen Fry's interview with Steve Jobs. As you may know, Stephen Fry is a writer, actor and comedian. He was also the 2nd person in all of Britain to own a Macintosh (author Douglas Adams was the first). That's precisely why this interview is such a joy to read -- Fry is a total fanboy (his tremendous skills as a writer don't hurt, either).

He admits buying one of those "I visited the Mothership" T-shirts from the Company Store at 1 Infinite Loop, and describes his first meeting with Jobs like this:

"I have met five British Prime Ministers, two American Presidents, Nelson Mandela, Michael Jackson and the Queen. My hour with Steve Jobs certainly made me more nervous than any of those encounters."

Fry asks Jobs, who resurrected Apple with the iMac's introduction in 1998, if he'd use the iPad's successful release (should that happen) as an opportunity to step down on top; to end his career on a high. Jobs responded as one might expect:

"I don't think of my life as a career," he says. "I do stuff. I respond to stuff. That's not a career - it's a life!"

In addition to talking with Jobs, Fry met with Phil Schiller (Apple's senior VP of worldwide product marketing) and Eddy Cue (Apple's VP of Internet services) who showed off the iBooks application. At last, Stephen got some time to use an iPad which he instantly fell in love with. You can watch him unbox his own iPad here.

As you pour over the media's reaction to the iPad this weekend, don't miss this article. It was a pleasure to read. While you're at it, use Time's Cover Search to find Steve's other appearances on the magazine.