
The day Duke Nukem Forever was supposed to go gold

It's April Fools' Day, a day on which we take absolutely everything with a grain of salt. Imagine our surprise, then, when we learned that today, April 1, 2010, was the day that Duke Nukem Forever was supposed to go gold. In other words, the game would have been officially complete and ready for manufacturing. The news comes via former Take-Two producer Jason Bergman's Twitter account which he states today was the gold date according to 3D Realms' internal schedule. Variety followed up with Bergman and confirmed that, no, it's not a joke. Bergman adds that the date was "totally intentional," and that "it was going to be hilarious."

Considering the long and storied (and long) development history of Duke Nukem Forever, we're inclined to agree. In fact, it's hard to imagine a more appropriate date for the game to reach the gold milestone. Alas, now that the game is kaput and its corpse trapped in legal limbo, Bergman's revelation is more than a little sad. If you've got any heart left, pour one more out for the Duke and dream of what might have been.

Source - Variety
Source - Twitter (@loonyboi)