
Enter to win a Fallen Earth item from TUAW

Fallen Earth is a pretty popular post-apocalyptic MMO, and as we announced at GDC, not only have they released a Mac client, but they've got a pretty impressive iPhone app to go along with it coming later this year. To celebrate, they sent us a special code for some virtual in-game Brass Goggles -- we're not sure exactly what they do, but we're told that they're a third level item with the stats of a seventh level item, and that they'll provide some protection against piercing, fire, cold, and ballistic damage. So they've got that going for them. Which is nice.

Anyway, if you're a Fallen Earth player and want a chance at some groovy in-game gear, just leave a comment on this post before Friday at 5pm, making sure to use a real email (so we can contact you if you happen to win). If you need something to comment about, tell us how you'll use your favorite Apple product after that apocalypse goes down. We'll choose one random winner to get the code, which you can then redeem in-game for your Brass Goggles. Good luck to everyone who enters! We'll keep an eye out for the Fallen Earth iPhone app, and let you know when it shows up in the store.