
WoW Moviewatch: The Chair

There's a few different ways to interpret The Chair by Mads. The video is simple and pure in its conception. Since the story is so beautiful in its execution, the audience is left to interpret the events in any way they choose. But, two different interpretations particularly stuck with me.

The first is the more abstract of my interpretations. In this version, there is no context or story to the room. We simply have an undead trapped in a non-descript room, struggling with coming to grips with why he's there and what's going on. We don't know the events that brought him to this place -- only that he is here now. And when time has passed, he's struck down cold. You could lay any number of metaphors on this situation, and that makes The Chair one of those sublime pieces of art in which your own experiences are reflected.

The other, of course, has to do with the legend of the player jail. (On which The Chair's prison room is clearly based.) This is the place where the truly troublesome players are taken to be interviewed by the game's powers-that-be. Left in this isolation, the undead's behavior and answers must not have pleased the GM, and the player is ultimately struck down for his transgressions.

However you interpret this video, it's obviously an awesome piece of machinima.

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