
Europe to get boxed retail copies of Global Agenda

Digital distribution is the in thing these days. Steam, in particular, has turned PC games into something that's almost easier to buy at home rather than in the store, with a ridiculously wide selection and the promise of never worrying about lost discs. The biggest drawbacks are the download times and potentially losing your login, and what MMO player doesn't plan for those issues? But there's still something nice about a boxed copy, which is why European gamers can take joy in the fact that Global Agenda will be releasing a boxed retail copy of the game starting in September 2010.

Thus far, the game has been using primary distribution through Steam, which has worked well -- but as the official statement explains, a retail box helps improve visibility. The game will launch in an English version in cooperation with Iceberg Interactive, with a German version due out a bit later. No word is given on whether or not an American boxed version will be available. It's a unique opportunity for Global Agenda, which itself is a very unique game, and success with the boxed copies likely will lead to more developing projects and more content for the game's fans.