
Alganon finishes changes, announces relaunch

Alganon has been going through some huge changes over the past few months, and while sometimes it seems like it's taken a back burner to other things, the Alganon employees have been hard at work behind the scenes.

Their work paid off yesterday with the grand reopening of Alganon's doors, accompanied by a hearty thank you to the fans from Derek Smart: "We appreciate the valuable feedback from the testers as well as those who bought and played the original December 2009 release. The continued enthusiasm and dedication of players around the world, and the help they gave us in helping to finish and fine tune the game is very much appreciated."

Fine tuning might be a bit of an understatement, as the game has gone through an overhaul from the business model up. Yesterday's relaunch announcement provided an overview of what you can expect from the new-and-improved Alganon, so take a look and see what you think of the new direction the game has taken. Keep an eye on Massively too, as our own Beau Hindman will be taking a detailed look at the changes very soon.