
StarCraft 2 map editor turns supply depots into Tetris blocks

If you need further proof of the StarCraft 2 map editor's versatility, look no further than a map, recently designed by user ArcadeRenegade, titled "Supply Depot Tetris." As you might imagine, the map bends the rules and controls of Blizzard's uber anticipated strategy game, turning it into a fairly simple (albeit a tad buggy) version of Alexey Pazhitnov's blocky brainchild, Tetris.

Check out a video of the map from YouTube user HuskyStarcraft just past the jump. We're looking forward to getting our hands on the map -- you know, so we can take breaks from SC2 -- for which we lack the strategy and reflexes required to play adequately -- and play a few rounds of Tetris ... for which we lack the strategy and reflexes required to play adequately. Oh well.