
Tales of Pirates II sets sail for closed beta tonight

If ye be lookin' for a brightly-colored adventure to set sail on, then listen up! IGG's new title Tales of Pirates II is set to launch into closed beta tonight, and they're looking for more players to jump in and get to adventurin'! While it is technically a closed beta, they've opened it up so that anyone curious will be able to get a code and start tonight at 10pm Eastern when they start the game up. They've also stated that characters from the closed beta won't be wiped when the game officially goes live.

As an incentive for jumping in and helping them test the game early, everyone who plays between 10PM Eastern tonight and 10PM Eastern tomorrow will be granted a 3x experience multiplier for every monster killed. There will also be a GM event at 11PM Eastern tonight where players can win prizes, a "naked" run scheduled for the 13th, and even more live-event craziness in the days to come.

We've embedded a shiny new Tales of Pirates II trailer for you behind the break if you'd like to find out more before you jump in. But with all the landlubbin' events planned over the next few days, it sounds like a good time to start playin' if ye be plannin' to!