
International iBookstores opening on May 28th in most countries

When iPads fall into the eager hands of Apple fans in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the UK on May 28th, the iBookstore and Apple's free iBooks e-reader app may be there.

Apple has confirmed that iBooks and the iBookstore will be available in all of the listed countries with the exception of Germany and Switzerland, and we'll be sure to update this post as soon as we've received word that those two countries have been added to the list (we're starting a rumor here that Apple has to stock up on digital umlauts and eszetts before opening these iBookstores).

For those of you who will be getting your hands on an iPad soon and want to take advantage of the many books that are already available in the iBooks epub format, be sure to read Erica Sadun's post about filling up your iBookShelf. The post, and the comments that accompany it, offer some suggestions for fun and entertaining books. And remember, you can always use Stanza or Calibre to convert other document formats for reading in iBooks.

[via MacRumors]