
Craft of Gods announces launch offers and new trailer video

As Craft of Gods approaches its May 27th launch date, the developers are preparing some offers and a new trailer video for fans.

If you are planning to purchase the game, check with your gaming friends before you get out the credit card because Craft of Gods is available in discounted "pre-order packages" of three and five keys through the Kalicanthus store. Customers who pre-order will also have the advantage of advance game access -- they'll be logging in 24 hours before the official launch time.

Kalicanthus is also offering a unique offer for those who participated in the open beta but are still uncertain about their purchase. If you want to see how the finished product turns out after the last round of changes and fixes are made, you'll find a special trial server available after launch for that very purpose. Anyone who participated in beta testing can log into the trial server for ten days of free play with their existing account.

Keep an eye on the Craft of Gods site for all the latest information, and check out the newest video after the jump!