
The Daily Grind: What makes your characters stick?

If you're anything like me, alt-itis isn't a passing fad but rather, a way of life. I've never met an MMORPG that didn't inspire me to create a minimum of four alts (and usually many more). Even the original one-character-per-server incarnation of Star Wars Galaxies couldn't reign in my need to branch out.

Currently I'm rolling with a couple of rangers in Age of Conan, as well as a Demonologist that is surprisingly fun to play. In addition to my mid-40s sorcerer in Aion, I've been smitten by the alt bug there too, with time split between a chanter and a spiritmaster. I even went back to EverQuest II to check out Halas Reborn, and couldn't resist rolling a wizard, an illusionist, and a conjuror over the weekend.

The question, when surveying my army of alts, is which ones will be resigned to the scrap heap to make room for more experiments, and which will survive the cut and live to journey toward the max level? I don't know that I can pin down why some of my characters make it while others don't. Occasionally there will be a roleplay reason to keep one around. Sometimes a class is just really fun to play. Often I just fall back on my old standby of ranged DPS or crowd control. What about you Massively readers? I know some of you probably stick to one toon exclusively, but for those that don't, what is the deciding factor when it comes to designating a main?