
Become our 5,000th Twitter follower and win a $50 gift card to!

Do you have what it takes to become our 5,000th Twitter follower? Can you follow like the best of them and show that follow button who is, indeed, the boss? We think you can. We of the staff have the utmost confidence in you.

That's why we're laying down a $50 dollar gift card to on this whole deal. We're looking for someone to be our 5,000th Twitter follower, and that might just be you! All you have to do is simply become our 5,000th Twitter follower to win! That's it! It's like stealing cake from an unguarded room, if that cake was really a gift card that could be used to buy awesome MMOs and that room was really our Twitter account!

So please, follow after the break to learn all you need to know about this contest!

Unfortunately, as the prize carries a cash value, we're going to have to restrict this contest to the US and Canada only. We're sorry, our friends in the international territories! We still <3 you! The contest is also only open to those ages 18 and over, so sorry to you youngsters! If you're the winner, we'll direct message you with instructions on how to claim your prize!

We're currently at around 4,900 followers, so you better get cracking if you want to be the 5,000th!

But do you need the full rules? Well then just click here to see the full official rules. Good luck to you all, and see you on Twitter! Chirp chirp!