
WoW Moviewatch: Leeroy 10 - Nesingwary

Today's Moviewatch begins with a somewhat melancholy note. For two years now, we've been able to enjoy the stellar fun created by Herculean Productions. They have chronicled the ongoing adventures of Leeroy and his friends as he struggles to level up, explore Azeroth, and generally have a good time. A lot of these folks are busy working in college at the same time they make these movies, so Leeroy has clearly been a labor of love and devotion. Now, however, it seems like that time may come to an end. While I hate to see them go, I want to thank Herculean Productions for all their hard work. You'll always be one of my favorites.

Leeroy 10 - Nesingwary features the arrival of none other than the mad-man himself, Hemet Nesingwary. (His arrival was necessary and inevitable.) Meanwhile, Celeste and Silverglade continue to seek out more attractive, more powerful gear. They get sent down to old Stranglethorn Vale. I don't want to say too much about this video. But if you've been a Leeroy fan, make sure you don't miss it.

Again, thanks to Herculean for the great time. I hope you stay in touch.

Click here to see it yourself.

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