
MMO Roundup: E3 begins

Sometimes you'd like to know that there are other MMOs out there, right? It's not all WoW, all the time! Our sister site Massively can provide you with everything you need to know about all of the other MMOs around: past, present and future.

E3 reveal: Player spaceships and PvP Battlegrounds in SWTOR
A new door has been opened today in Star Wars: The Old Republic: the door to your very own customizable spaceship! Mary Bihr and Dr. Greg Zeschuk, of LucasArts and Bioware respectively, stood on stage at E3 to shock Star Wars fans everywhere. Since the first movie with the Millenium Falcon, the starship has been the center of every character's personal story. Now you can have your own.

Ask Massively: Why so serious edition
Ask Massively, Massively's version of's The Queue, has returned this week with answers to a handful of new questions. Topics include Guild Wars population numbers, All Points Bulletin impressions and our new code of conduct.

Battlestar Galactica Online E3 trailer divides players ... literally
"Human or Cylon... Man or Machine... who will you choose?" asks the maddeningly vague Battlestar Galactica Online trailer. More of a teaser than anything, this trailer will make the rounds at E3, trying to tempt MMO gamers and Battlestar Galactica fans alike with intergalactic conflict.

Massively's tour of the Fallen Earth studio
Last week, Massively had the opportunity to visit the home of Fallen Earth: Icarus Studios in Cary, North Carolina. While the 8-hour drive through the mountains of North Carolina was certainly gorgeous, hanging out with the people who make Fallen Earth was a treat in itself.

What if...? Ten canceled MMOs that could've changed gaming history
It seems that for every MMO that manages to live until its launch day, there's another that dies prematurely. Massively takes a look at ten canceled MMOs that could have changed the landscape of online gaming if they had ever seen the light of day.

New video highlights character creation in Final Fantasy XIV
The funny thing about Final Fantasy XIV is that even though it's going to be notably different from its predecessor, most of the previews we've seen have focused on points of similarity to Final Fantasy XI. But the most recent new release of information should help silence some of the comparisons -- it's a video of character generation.