
Take over the streets of San Paro in APB with a key from Massively!

Ever since the "City Security Act" was passed, the streets of San Paro have become a war-zone between self-righteous Enforcers and violent Criminals. The city has been submerged under a sea of bullets and blood.

So where exactly do you stand? Are you a Criminal, looking to prey on the innocents of San Paro as you vandalize, steal, and destroy? Or are you an Enforcer, a person who will do anything in their power to stop the lawbreaking offenders, even if it means sacrificing a few innocents in the process?

Well, it's now your time to find out! Realtime Worlds has provided us here at Massively with 10,000 keys to All Points Bulletin, so you can take a ride around the streets of San Paro in its pre-launch state! Follow us after the break to learn more about the game, and grab a key for yourself!

Do you want to dispense some justice or wreak some havoc?

APB's Key to the City event is a special sneak preview taking place between June 12th and June 19th. Your key will allow you to log in and experience unlimited time with APB's social district and customize your character to your tastes and specifications. You can customize almost anything, from your fashion, to your ride, to your gun, to the music that plays when you pwn someone.

Your key also grants you access to five hours of combat time in one of the city's action districts -- the Financial District or the Waterfront District -- where you can take on missions from contacts, backup fellow players in need, start freeform stealing/mugging events, or "retrieve" stolen property. These districts hold up to 100 players each, leading to some pretty insane firefights and stunt driving moments.

Beware, however, as any characters or achievements you earn during this event will be wiped upon the close! Think of this as an "open beta," if you would. Enjoy the city of San Paro, but don't become too invested quite yet.

If this sounds like it's right up your alley, then grab a key from our giveaway site below and head on over to where you can open an account and grab the game's client.

Get me to the keys>>

Key features of APB:

  • Experience fast-paced third-person action in a persistent online multiplayer world.

  • Earn money, clothing, weapons, and cars as you play.

  • Master the radically different styles of gameplay aimed at each Faction.

  • Gain real-life celebrity through in-game displays of your characters and designs.

  • Cause havoc, gunning down your rivals while hanging out the window of a speeding car during a chase.

  • Stalk Criminals through back alleyways to arrest them.

  • Become San Paro's premier car thief, clothing designer, "death theme" artist, or assassin. It's up to you.