
EVE devblog peeks behind the Tranquility curtain

Ever wanted to know the inner workings of CCP Games' Tranquility server cluster? You're in luck, as CCP Yokai has posted a behind-the-scenes look at both the current and soon-to-be upgraded version of EVE Online's live server setup. In a dev blog at the official EVE website, Yokai fills us in on the hefty blade server configurations as well as cooling concerns and the upcoming migration.

"TQ has morphed and adjusted over the years as much as EVE Online has. It's gotten to the point [where] a couple of cabinets simply don't handle it anymore. So, this first step is to move TQ to a bigger place. We'll still be in the same datacenter and connecting to you from multiple networks to ensure the best performance, but this time with a lot more space and power and room to grow," he writes.

Yokai goes on to illustrate how the new setup will provide added physical space, power, and data capacity. Check out the full article at the official site.