
AT&T's LG Prime and Pantech Ease in the wild?

If the Pursuit isn't up your alley, it looks like Pantech's got a slightly higher-end phone in store for you: the Ease. We know next to nothing about it, but it's clearly got a more spacious keyboard than its kid brother -- and the silver highlights are a little more businesslike than green and blue. From LG, we've got a phone called the Prime that looks as though it could be a keyboardless (and arguably better-looking) version of the Vu Plus. No dates or prices on these, but dummies are out and about, so it can't be long. See more in the gallery below.

[Thanks, anonymous tipster]

Update: We've been told by two independent sources that the Ease is actually geared toward the older set -- first we've really seen a full touchscreen phone do that -- and the Prime is destined for AT&T's prepaid GoPhone service with a 2 megapixel cam. Thanks, guys!