
Sony explains PlayStation Plus: here's what your $50 annually buys (update)

With less than a week before PlayStation Network's premium subscription plan launches, many gamers still haven't the foggiest idea what it does -- which isn't terribly promising for a service that costs $50 a year, or even $18 for three months. Thankfully, the official PlayStation.Blog has stepped forward to clear up that noise, explaining more concretely what comes with PlayStation Plus. While you'll still get online network play for free -- assuming you've accepted Sophie's Sony's Choice -- if you choose to pay the extra fee you'll get free monthly games attached to your account, as long as you remain a subscriber.

Furthermore, PSN titles will be discounted up to 50 percent by the sheer power of your will, you'll get early access to betas, and you can try certain full games for an hour (not just a demo) before you buy them. You can also turn on an automatic update feature that will download patches and the like automatically, and the company hints it may even (finally) bring us cross-game voice chat. Without knowing which games are included, we still don't know if it's worth our annual Ulysses S. Grant, but at least now the service sounds like it's worthy of consideration.

Update: Looks like the US will get a free copy of Wipeout HD at launch, and European gamers will get LittleBigPlanet as well -- see our more coverage link for the full EU slate. Now that's more like it.