
Breakfast Topic: An earnest letter

Dear Oracles;

For the better part of a year and a half, I've diligently run your errands. I've
collected thousands of shiny objects for your weird little god, killed legions of "puppy men" in your name, and yet you insist on denying me the green protodrake. I've spent enough gold on eggs to single-handedly fund the feeding and care of your young for the next several years, and yet you choose to withhold the one item I covet. I'm sorry, but you've brought this upon yourselves.

I have decided that since your benevolence doesn't extend far enough to grant me a dragon of verdant green, I will no longer be performing your menial tasks. That's right, I've taken up with the puppy men. You may have noticed this when I began my campaign of
wholesale slaughter against the Sparktouched Village. I will continue the murdering of your people until I'm satisfied that my message has been received, at which point I may, in my benevolence, return to collecting baubles for you. It would be in your best interests when I do so to give me the drake I've been after. Rather than blame me for my actions, I suggest you take a long, hard look at Geen over in Rainspeaker Canopy. This is his fault.


Soon-to-be Mercenary

P.S. I suggest you think quickly. I'm in ICC-25 gear.

I'm tired of random number generators, especially when I've been trying to get something for more than a few months. How about you guys? Do you enjoy grinding for that inexplicably rare drop, or does the very thought of spending more than a few days trying to obtain something make you feel a little green? What's the one thing that's eluded you, no matter how hard you've farmed for it?