
New video takes you to San Paro for a closer look at APB

This morning marks the official headstart for those All Points Bulletin players who pre-ordered, and if you haven't had the chance to check out Realtime Worlds' upcoming action MMO for yourself, then this video is for you. It gives us a great look at the setup of social districts and action districts, and even goes so far to explain how their system attempts to keep the gameplay balanced between the criminals and enforcers in each district. Also included in the video is a look at the character creator, which is entirely too awesome in our opinion, and chunks of gun-toting gameplay footage.

Whether or not this will entice more people who were on the fence about All Points Bulletin to give it a shot (no pun intended) will remain to be seen. The game certainly doesn't seem to be having too many problems grabbing headlines, although not all of it would be seen as positive. Nonetheless, the video offers an interesting look into an upcoming MMO. Check the video behind the break if you're curious for more.